Here's the mid-June update from FBF in HMB on how things are looking in the raised box garden. It seems like everything is growing fairly well, though I think I may be over-watering the peas and spinach, so I'm going to cut back by half on those two. I also finally conceded that my little pepper seedlings were just not going to make it, so I broke down and bought jalapeno, orange, red, and chinese giant pepper starts from the HMB nursery. Of course, the next day, voila!
I haven't figured out exactly what I'm going to do with these, but I suppose I could put them in a pot. We just don't need that many peppers, but then again, I'm very curious to see how they do and how they taste compared to the ones I bought. I'll find room somewhere.I also started some dill from seed, and it is up and growing.
And now for the rest of the garden:

A mass of wildflowers.
I still don't know if I'll be able to actually grow watermelons, but at least they are up and out of their little hills. I've covered them with black paper in hopes that will help them get the heat they need. Also note the nasturtiums are really happy!
Here's a little bug bath I added. In all, I put 4 throughout the garden in hopes of being friendly towards all the little creatures will give me good garden karma, or at least, encourage the good bugs to do good deeds.

Here's my Pruden's Purple tomato. It is growing very well, and appears to be quite happy.

And here are the Moskvich, Sun Gold, and Stupice, plus the new peppers.

The Mosvich has a baby well on the way.

And the Stupice has twins!

The basil sure is taking its time, but I'm hopeful that it will make faster progress soon.

I added some garden tape to the pea cage in hopes that it will give them something to grow up and around. Also, there is a sunflower in the middle of the peas and behind them, which I hope the peas will also use for support...which would be cool!

As to be expected, the zucchini are growing an inch a day, it seems. Here are the zucchini twins:

Only slightly behind them are the butterstick squash.

The beans haven't been growing as fast as I thought they would, but they are certainly putting out nice leaves, so I remain hopeful.

Here's the salad box. The onions are really happy, I replanted the garlic cloves (mistakenly planted the bulbs the first time around) and am curious to see how they do. I also got to "harvest" some of the garlic (basically, just used what I couldn't plant), and it was delicious!
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