Speaking of orchards, I thought a few picture taken this morning after I mowed would illustrate my hard won victory over years of trash (hauled to dump), clay, rocks, alkalinity, gophers, whitetop and cheatgrass. Poppies escaped from a packet I overseeded my asparagus bed with some years ago - a long, long way from the orchard!

Here we see the recuperating Asian pear gone to the beavers, the beaver dam it went into and the other Asian pear it resembled (two different varieties for pollination purposes.

Nectarine, green gage plum, peach, Italian plum, apple and Damson plum fruit developing.

Grapes are doing very well and covered with fruit this year - if only I can keep the deer away (which is why Daisy and Zeke stay outside on spring and summer nights).

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