Tuesday, May 26, 2009


May at Carol's Fat Bottom Farm in Eastern Oregon is spectacular. The next three posts are an attempt to the show the scale and diversity that one woman has accomplished and maintains. To be at Fat Bottom Farm is to feel very lucky indeed to share this private sanctuary. The eats are good, too!

This is a broad view of the garden from the southwest corner. Note the rows of irises midway. More of those to follow.This is the "cool garden" in the southwest corner of the garden, where the lettuces, onions, brassicas and peas live. Note the ladder and string arrangement for the peas and cukes.

The raspberry patch behind the lettuce.
Next section is tomatoes (still in hotcaps), beans and peppers.
Baby beans.

Rhubarb in bloom.
Squashes, melons and quinoa are coming up soon here.This is the hops monster at the back of the garden.Here's the herb garden.
Here's a view from the garden across the lawn to the orchard, and a view from the orchard back to the garden.

Carol in her orchard.

Below the orchard is the creek, which is very high and full of cattails supporting the red-winged blackbirds' nests. Also a good place to spot horned owls and herons.
Or a mama quail, with droplets of dew on her back, on her nest of 18 eggs.
Various garden views.

Even the juniper tree is bearing fruit.

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