Here's a nifty bit of recycling: this folding cot on wheels has been languishing by our shed for a year or so. Today I wheeled it into the garden to begin a new life as the trellis for my peas. Aesthetically this might be a deal-breaker for some gardeners, but I think it'll look great once the peas climb all over it, and wheeling it in and out of the garden is easy-peasy.
As always, you can click the photo to see a larger view.
Fat Bottom Farm is 50 acres in Eastern Oregon, owned by Carol (Mom) who maintains a large lawn and garden and leaves the rest for habitat. I also have a little garden in Western Idaho on the bank of a canal behind my house. The two are about an hour apart.
Carol is a compulsive gardener and veteran of 23 seasons on this site; I am an interested amateur with a little time to spare on holidays and weekends...and a growing compulsion of my own.
Recently joined by sister/daughter Jen in Half Moon Bay whose first garden is a high raised bed that is thriving.
This is the chronicle of what I am learning by oral tradition, book learnin', trial and error, happy accident, horrible accident and friendly advice.
Also, I like to take photos and share with family.
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