Saturday, May 23, 2009


The annual mushroom hunt at the family hunting grounds. We took home enough to eat fresh and a few to share. Looked like the shrooming will be very good in a day or two.

Hunted up-valley to Mom's dipper that hangs on a log by a spring coming out of the hillside. Always nice to find the dipper there, have a cold quaff and know how much Mom would enjoy knowing family dropped in for a drink.

Tiny violets.

Ate lunch with thunder rumbling overhead and the pine boughs waving up and down. Told Emily the story of Rip Van Winkle, bowling and drinking with the gods.
The breeze felt great. This is a gorgeous piece of prime Oregon forest. Jim played a few tunes.

A few rounds of jump-the-creek and time to take our haul home and catch game 4 of the Western Conference finals. Go Nuggets.

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